- obesity: 39.3% of male New Zealanders aged 65-74 are obese.
- smoking: 27.5% of male New Zealanders aged 25-34 smoke.
- cancer: Only 1 in 3 people that have cancer will be cured.
- exercise: An adult should do about 30 mins of exercise everyday to keep fit and a child must do about 1 hour.
- languages: Around 6,057 people can communicate in all 3 of New Zealand's official languages. These are English, Maori and New Zealand sign
- sport: 54% of adults participate in sport per week.
- computers: 4 in five homes in 2012 had a computer and internet.
- education: 142 countries rates New Zealand No.1 in world for education.
- earthquakes: there is a 4.0 to 5.0 earthquake everyday.
- weather: New Zealand is sunnier than North-Western Europe but is less sunny than the Mediterranean and much of the U.S.A.