Wednesday, 28 May 2014

NZ statistic

- obesity: 39.3% of male New Zealanders aged 65-74 are obese.
- smoking: 27.5% of male New Zealanders aged 25-34 smoke.
- cancer: Only 1 in 3 people that have cancer will be cured.
- exercise: An adult should do about 30 mins of exercise everyday to keep fit and a child must do about 1 hour.
- languages: Around 6,057 people can communicate in all 3 of New Zealand's official languages. These are English, Maori and New Zealand sign
- sport: 54% of adults participate in sport per week.
- computers: 4 in five homes in 2012 had a computer and internet.
- education: 142 countries rates New Zealand No.1 in world for education. 
- earthquakes: there is a 4.0 to 5.0 earthquake everyday.
- weather: New Zealand is sunnier than North-Western Europe but is less sunny than the Mediterranean and much of the U.S.A.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Miss C's

Miss C: Bad afternoon Dr Mike
Dr Mike: Why is that Miss?
Miss C: Because my eye has a red spot it
Dr Mike: Ooo would I be able to look at it?
Miss C: Sure
Dr Mike: It appears to be you have Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
Miss C: What is the cause of this?
Dr Mike: Could be either rubbing your eye or lots of coughing have you had either of them
Miss C: Yes I have had the flu and been coughing recently
Dr Mike: Then that will probably been the problem
Miss C: Ooo well thank you mike
Dr Mike: You are very welcome and remember do not touch your eye for about 12 weeks
Miss C: Ok

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

200 Word Story

It’s 10:41 at Mt Maunganui hot pools our annoying boss has just given a growling for not picking up lost property and doing a good job. I then go out for lifeguard duty then i see a floating pink bikini. I then think to myself “Uhh-Ohh” then at that very second someone spews “Ahhhhhhhh””Ahhhhhhhhh” Everyone runs out onto the street like there is no tomorrow. I think to myself again “Uhh-Ohh”

Then every single staff member is out and looking at the person who spewed. I turn to look at nolan my best friend and we say to each other wasn't me. we look back at the  person who spewed and then he says just jokes stands up and runs away laughing now we say the only thing left to do is cleaning up the mess. Then our annoying boss walks in with anger “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR CLEAN IT UP!!!” One second later a dog about 1 and a half meters long 25cm high falls out of the sky licks up the mess and disappears like magic. What a surprise nolan says. I wonder who is behind this. Maybe it was the marvelous wizard of oz.

Monday, 19 May 2014


Step 1: Go to GeoGuesser using this link.
Step 2: Look around the location and try and figure out where you are.
Step 3: Once you have found your location click on the place on the minimap and click make a guess

Tips: Try looking around for a sign they can help with the location and also try looking at the landscape

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Kia Kaha

Kia Kaha

What is are characters of a bully
Mean, disrespectful, bossy, negative, rude, big and tough.

What is are characters of a victim
Scared, shy, lonely,

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Wiki Game

How to play the wiki game:
To play the wiki game you first go to this Link.
What will come up is two words one is in blue that is your starter page and the one in black is your goal.

Once you click on the blue link you are timed to reach the provided goal by clicking on the hyperlinks on the provided page.
If you make it to the end page you are better than me because I can never make it to the goal.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Estuary Run

Map of Estuary Run.png
Dear Year 7's this is a map of the Estuary Run and I will be giving you tips to complete it.

1: Sock's
2: Shoes

Step 1: Start off with a nice pace and pick up the speed through the track.

Step 2: The first hazard is crossing the road it can be quite dangerous at times.

Step 3: The second hazard is the bridges when wet they are very slippery and SLIMY!!!.

Step 4: When you go past a teacher run fast so it look like you are trying

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Click Cards

This year we have a new system called click cards what happens is we get a card with 40 spaces around the outside of the card and every day you get 1 of the 40 spaces clicked unless you have been bad that day. Once you have got 40 clicks all the way around to card you get a colored band the colour of your house. Once you have done that three times and have three bands  you get a badge. Also every week at hui two cards will be randomly chosen and those people will get a small prize.

There is also another system called the stars cards which if you are seen being helpful in lunch time you will receive a stars card the stars cards those cards are then drawn at assembly and you also win a small prize.